Why Does Goblin Slayer Hate Goblins?
Goblin Slayer is the main protagonist in the anime Goblin Slayer and he has a tremendous hate for goblins but why? Goblin Slayer hates goblins because his entire family and village were massacred and brutally killed by them and he was powerless to stop it. As a result, Goblin Slayer has a vendetta against all goblins and he has made it his mission and goal to kill them all. Goblin Slayer’s hatred made him an expert on fighting goblins and he has in depth knowledge of their habits and behaviors. The brutal violence, dark fantasy elements and Goblin Slayer’s creative methods of killing goblins makes for a very entertaining watch.
How Goblin Slayer Came to Hate Goblins
Goblin Slayer was once a young boy who lived in a peaceful rural village. He would hang out with his childhood best friend, Cow Girl and they would enjoy each other’s company. One day, she tells Goblin Slayer that she’s going to her uncle’s farm to help one of the cows give birth. After that, she’s going to the city where she’s really excited to go shopping. This actually upsets Goblin Slayer because he secretly hoped to go to the city one day. When Cow Girl asks him if he wants anything while she’s there, he reacts angrily and they have a fight.
While Cow Girl is away, Goblin Slayer’s village is raided by goblins. The goblins burned most of the village, killing every human they see with swords, spears and other weapons. Goblin Slayer’s older sister, who he was very close with, was tormented, used as a plaything, and then killed. Goblin Slayer witnessed his sister’s death from start to finish as he was hiding in fear.
Because of this traumatic event, Goblin Slayer hates goblins and decided to learn how to battle so he can do whatever he can to take revenge. He decided to attack and hunt all goblins down. Since the attack on his village and death of his older sister, Goblin Slayer learned how to fight goblins from a master and has learned countless techniques and strategies since fighting them.
Goblin Slayer has spent days and months figuring out the best way to kill goblins. He tests various ways to kill them with varying degrees of success. Killing goblins became an obsession for him. He displays a harsh, callousness during his various killing-sprees. The truth is that as he continued to kill goblins, he started to really enjoy it. Goblin Slayer slowly realized he went from hating goblins and seeking revenge to now fulfilling a sadistic desire.
Despite realizing he might be slowly losing his humanity, Goblin Slayer is determined to continue killing goblins because he recognizes the grave threat they pose to society. Many people see them as weak creatures and adventurers typically do not take on goblin problems because there is little reward for doing so and it is not seen as favorably as slaying more high profile monsters. Despite their being more stronger monsters, goblins can destroy villages, crops, kidnap women and kill farmers and yet they are perceived as weak. This is a very serious issue because villages are constantly suffering and not enough experienced adventurers are fighting goblins, leading to the death of many inexperienced rookies. Goblin Slayer fulfills a unique role, however it also affects how other perceive him.
Goblin Slayer’s Hate for Goblins Changed Him
As a young boy, Goblin Slayer was very expressive and had no problems displaying his emotions. His trauma changed him. His obsession with killing goblins led to him becoming socially awkward. As an adult, he’s more serious and stern when he speaks. He speaks with little to no words, mainly sticking to phrases like, “I see”, “that’s right”, “yes, that’s right”, and is that right?”
He is seen as strange to many other adventurers in the Adventure Guild because of his filthy, low quality armor and his desire of taking only goblin related quests despite being a high ranking adventurer. Goblin Slayer isn’t like other high-ranked adventures who seek attention and praised from others.
However, because of his constant hard work to kill goblins and take goblin contracts that others don’t want, he is respected by Guild Girl, who is in charge of handing contracts to adventurers.
Goblin Slayer is an Expert at Fighting Goblins
Goblin Slayer dedicates much of his time fighting goblins. He understands how goblins think, their habits, and their behavior patterns.
Goblin Slayer became an experienced silver ranked adventurer and was awarded a specialist classification due to the huge amount of goblins that he has killed as well as for his huge knowledge of their habits and biology. He has a one track mind when it comes to killing goblins and he is very pragmatic and professional.
Goblin Slayer has used his knowledge and has developed numerous battle tactics to combat goblins. He believes that “imagination is a weapon and those who lack it are the first to die”. This allows him to devise all types of creative ways to kill the goblins. He does it all from killing, slicing, dicing, burning, piercing, bludgeoning, ripping, and tearing the goblins apart. The violence is brutal and extremely gory.
Goblin Slayer has amassed years of knowledge when it comes to goblins. Below is useful information when it comes to goblins.
10 Need to Know Facts About Goblins 
When launching an attack against goblins, it’s better to attack early morning or early evening.
Use the goblin’s own weapons to kill them so your weapons don’t become dull and covered with blood.
Kill the goblin’s children because goblins are known to bear a grudge.
Goblins who survive and gain experience become Wanderers and continue to grow until they become leaders or the bodyguards of the nest.
Goblins are known to be deceptive and known to set basic traps and decoys.
Goblins recognize scents of different races such as elves and humans, so it’s a good idea to hide your scent by smearing yourself with goblin blood.
Goblins are able to learn how to use various weapons and tools.
Goblins scout the areas before attacking and invading.
Goblins are social creatures that are divided by hierarchy and usually led by a leader.
In order to effectively get rid of goblins at a small nest, its best to set the nest on fire using lit arrows and then kill any goblins that attempt to escape.
Goblin Slayer sums up goblins very nicely by saying “they aren’t bright creatures but they aren’t complete fools”.
Goblin Slayer is a Very Entertaining Watch
One of the appealing elements of Goblin Slayer is the brutal violence and dark fantasy setting. There is ALOT OF BLOOD. Along with his ruthless nature, the Goblin Slayer utilizes various techniques to kill goblins and keeps the viewer entertained. Goblin Slayer’s devotion (some may call it insanity) to exterminate every last goblin in existence is the selling point of the show. The genius of Goblin Slayer comes from the tactical vision and strategic planning that he takes during most episodes to kill the goblins. His ability to foresee the goblin’s actions and develop effective countermeasures is very fun to watch.
Unlike other isekai anime (anime revolving around a normal person from Earth being transported to, reborn or trapped in a parallel universe), Goblin Slayer doesn’t make being an adventurer too glamorous. Adventures in other anime are fun and there is a joy of experiencing the unknown and discovering new things. However, in Goblin Slayer, there is risk and danger, especially when it comes to fighting goblins. It also captures the spirit of Dungeon and Dragons. The fact that Goblin Slayer is constantly chasing weaker monsters such as goblins is a nice change of pace for a genre that is often very predictable.
The action scenes were fine but could be much better for a series like this. They feature scenes with fasting-moving animations, such as sword-swings, arrows flying though the air, people rolling and dodging attacks, and, of course, brutal executions and various attacks. Goblin Slayer has a great setting which include dark and narrow caves and dimly-lit caverns. The calm and heavy atmosphere was appreciated. The background music is also notable. Epic rock music usually plays during an action or dire scene. The Goblin Slayer’s character design is also impressive in certain scenes with a red eye glowing in the darkness.
There has been much controversy surrounding the rape scenes in the first episode but studio White Fox does a good job of toning it down throughout the series. Things are swapped around and changed to accommodate episode length and season length limitations, thus having a proper story arc in 12-episodes format. This was a nice adaptation overall.
If you are looking for an amazing plot, then this anime is probably not for you. The plot is very simple. Goblin Slayer stays true to it’s name and is about a guy just slaying goblins. The entertainment value lies within it’s simplicity. The best scene in Goblin Slayer is when the sword maiden asks Goblin Slayer to save her city and he simply responds:
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to save it, but let’s kill some Goblins.” — Goblin Slayer
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