Who is Kenny Ackerman?
Who is Kenny Ackerman? Kenny Ackerman is one of the main antagonist in Attack on Titan Season 3. He is referred to as Kenny “The Ripper”.
Here is everything you need to know about Kenny Ackerman:
Who is Kenny Ackerman’s Voice Actor?
Kenny Ackerman is voiced by Kazuhiro Yamaji in the Japanese version of anime and by Phil Parsons in the English version.
Kenny Ackerman’s Personality
Kenny Ackerman resembles a cowboy. He speaks and acts like a cowboy. He has great pride in his abilities, admitting that he’s never seen met someone as strong as him until he ran into Uri Reiss.
Kenny values strength and believes the one on top is the one who can show that they’re the strongest. Despite this, he also sees himself as trash and does not see himself as virtuous.
He believes violence is all that he has and resorts to violence to get his way.
Kenny Ackerman is also a cautious man. He doesn’t trust alot of people and often doesn’t reveal important information to even those close to him.
His subordinates are very loyal to him. They respect him and his dream.
Why is He Called Kenny the Ripper?
Kenny Ackerman became known as Kenny the Ripper because he murdered Military Police officials by slitting their throats.
Kenny Ackerman’s Position
Kenny Ackerman is a member of the Military Police’s First Interior Squad and the captain of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad, that is responsible for fighting against humans within the walls.
However, he creates this squad as a ruse in order to appease the council while amassing allies that can help him achieve his true dream.
What is Kenny Ackerman’s Weapon of Choice?
Kenny Ackerman’s weapon of choice as Kenny the Ripper was a knife. He often used it to slice his enemies (mainly the military police’s) throats.
Kenny Ackerman’s weapon of choice after entering the military police is two slug shotguns. Slugs are mostly used for hunting animals. Kenny uses it to hunt and kill his enemies. A shotgun slug is typically more massive than a rifle bullet. When Kenny fires, he is able to deal a devastating strike, instantly killing his enemies.
Kenny is skilled in using 3D maneuver gear as he was also trained by the military police.
He uses a special ODM gear which includes his slug shotgun that this used to kill humans, specifically, scouts. Kenny eventually uses it to fight Levi and his squad.
Kenny Ackerman’s First Appearance
From the beginning of Attack on Titan season 3, viewers get a sense that Kenny is a menacing figure. He is first seen hunting Levi and his squad in the woods, praising Levi’s quick decision making in escaping very quickly. He notes how discipline he is and acknowledges him as an old acquaintance.
After Levi and the squad devise a plan to hide Eren and Historia, Levi instantly notices something is wrong and instinctively feels some uneasiness. He asks Nifa if she ever heard of Kenny the Ripper and she responds by believing he is a urban legend that is believed to be a “mass murder in the capital”, who is responsible for cutting the throats of over 100 Military Police (hence how he got the nickname “The Ripper”). Levi confirms that he is indeed real and the stories are true and that he lived with him for a while when he was young. As Levi begins to think about what Kenny would do when trailing a target, BANG!!
Kenny the Ripper makes a grand appearance as he appears at the rear where Levi and Nifa are located and shoots at both, managing to blow Nifa’s head right off.
The scene is even better when it happens in slow motion and then we have Kenny causally greeting Levi. Kenny the Ripper and his group suddenly emerge and corner Levi.
This is where Levi infamously yells “KENNNYYY” in epic fashion.
What happens next is one of the highlights of Attack on Titan Season 3 as we get to see an epic chase scene and learn more about Kenny and Levi.
Levi vs Kenny
Viewers get a Levi vs Kenny faceoff in the second episode of Attack On Titan Season 3 and it is an action sequence that is executed very well.
This Levi and Kenny chase scene had a bunch of amazing shots and cool animation. Takayuki Hirao, who worked on the storyboard for this episode and is responsible for many of Attack on Titan’s climatic moments, did well by using amazing framing and capturing interesting angles.
The use of 3D maneuver gear was on full display in this fight. Levi was able to use his versatility and show his creativity with how he uses the cables and 3D maneuver gear. He was able to evade Kenny’s attacks as well as kill many of his men with extremely deadly precision.
The choreography between Levi and Kenny was so skillfully done. The man responsible for this specific scene is Arifumi Imai (main action animator). He is responsible for most of the action sequences in Attack on Titan and is a incredible asset to the series.
Levi learns that Kenny has joined the military police (First Interior Squad) and him and his group are tasked with capturing Eren and Historia.
However, Levi gets the best of Kenny when he hides in a bar and manages to shoot him with the bar owner’s gun. Kenny survives and Levi manages to escape. He praises Levi’s skills and is impressed by how much he’s grown.
Is Kenny Ackerman Related to Levi?
Kenny Ackerman is Levi’s uncle. He trained Levi and took care of him when he was a child.
Kenny had a little sister, Kuchel Ackerman. She worked in a brothel and got pregnant by one of her customers. This baby would be Levi.
Kuchel Ackerman is later revealed to be dead when Kenny first meets Levi and he learns that Kuchel did not tell him his last name was Ackerman because she felt it was not worth him knowing. Kenny also never reveals that his last name is Ackerman or that he’s Levi’s uncle.
When Kenny first sees Levi, he looked malnourished and on the brink of death. Kenny fed Levi and taught him how to survive.
Kenny eventually leaves Levi after seeing hes able to fend for himself as he had no interest in being a parent.
Levi’s Past After Kenny Ackerman
Levi was born in the Underground District, an underground society where citizens rarely get to go into the sunlight. The underground district is a poverty stricken area and Levi was forced to survive by any means.
Levi was part of a band of thieves alongside his partner Furlan Church and a young girl named Isabel. They get their hands on 3D maneuver gear and use it to commit various heists against the rich elite.
Levi and the gang’s main goal was to accumulate enough money to get out of the Underground District and see the surface.
Because of their crimes and theft, Levi and his gang were targeted by the military police.
Levi, Isabel, and Furlan were approached by a noble named Lobov from the surface who offers them money and citizenship, allowing them to be able to live on the surface. In exchange, they must steal an important document from Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps and assassinate him.
Levi and the gang eventually cross paths with Erwin and the Survey Corps and Erwin offers them a chance to join the Survey Corps because of their skills in using the 3D maneuver gear to which they agree.
Levi and the gang go into the surface and fight titans. While trying to complete their mission given to them by Lobov, Isabel and Furlan are viciously killed by titans.
Later, Erwin reveals he knew about Levi’s mission and had already exposed Lobov and tells Levi to live with no regrets and continue to stay in the Survey Corps.
Are Kenny and Levi Similar?
Kenny taught Levi how to fight and survive. He essentially raised him. Levi and Kenny are similar in that they do what they need to do to survive. Both saw how big the world was and left the Underground District. They made that decision as they found something worth fighting for.
Kenny taught Levi how to hold and swing a knife, interact with people, and how to fight.
He teaches Levi to survive because he did not want Levi to end up like his sister, Kuchel Ackerman.
Kenny’s strength and skills are on par with Levi, with Levi even telling his squad to treat him like he was on his level.
Is Kenny Ackerman related to Mikasa?
Kenny and Mikasa come from the Ackerman family and have the same bloodline.
History of the Ackermans
The Ackermans were originally a noble family of warriors that served and protected the Reiss royal family. However, the Ackermans turned their back on the royal family when they discovered that the first King and all of his descendants refused to help humanity against the Titans.
The Reiss royal family grew fearful of the Ackermans since they could not be controlled. This is because they could not alter the Ackerman’s memories like other humans since they are from a noble bloodline. As a result, the Ackermans were persecuted.
The Ackerman family had a main branch that lived on the surface. However, they were poor and persecuted. There were other members of the Ackerman family that were still underground. Ackermans that were underground lived in even harsher conditions. Kenny Ackerman and his sister are members of the Ackerman family that had to live underground.
Ackermans become “awake” and feel a sudden power surge through them when they or a love is in grave danger. For example, Mikasa felt a power awaken within her when her and Eren’s life was threatened. Both Levi and Kenny have had similar moments.
When Kenny meets Uri Reiss, he gets close to the Royal family and helps end the persecution against the Ackermans.
Why did Kenny kill Historia’s mother?
Kenny killed Historia’s mother because she knew too much about the truth behind the Reiss family.
Historia’s mother tried to distance herself from Historia for this reason.
Is Kenny Ackerman Good or Evil?
Kenny Ackerman could be classified as “evil” but he genuinely wanted to be good. He sought to be merciful and kind after years of being violent.
He is a product of his environment and did what was necessary to survive and reach his goals.
Kenny Ackerman was willing to do anything to achieve his goals. He even attempted to kill Levi, who was like a son to him. He does what he needs to do to survive and believes that end justify the means. He even kills a merchant without remorse.
When he attempts to assassinate Uri Reiss after getting word that hes the true King, he is easily defeated. However, Uri spares him and even apologizes for his family actions against the Ackermans.
Kenny is so moved and touched by Uri’s compassion that he pledges to become his bodyguard and a constant pillar of support for the Reisses.
Kenny becomes obedient and more open minded after meeting Uri. He becomes more good, even apologizing to a member of the Military Police after years of killing them.
However, he follows Uri because he believes he is the strongest being around. He believes power is all you need.
After learning that Uri’s power can be passed down, he wanted this power.
What Was Kenny Ackerman’s Dream?
Kenny’s dream was to have inner peace and to find meaning in his life. After seeing how Uri was able to live his life with peace and love, he believed he could as well.
He was also against just living without a purpose. In his later years, he sought a purpose for his life.
Kenny wanted to be compassionate and wanted to see if getting Uri’s power would allow him to do so. He craved the power of a God and wanted to see the world differently.
Kenny believed in order to reach his dream, he needed the Power of the Titans, which Uri possessed.
The Reiss family passes down the Power of the Titans from generation to generation. The Power of the Titans is a power that allows the person to alter all of humanity’s memories and make them completely forget about the past.
Kenny had hoped that he would be granted the Power of the Titans and gain the memories and power of the Founding Titan. He became obsessed with wanting to turn his life into something greater. Kenny rose through the ranks of the Reiss’ military and wanted to steal that power when he felt he saw an opportunity.
However, Kenny found out that only a member of the Reiss royal family can gain the memories and power of the Founding Titan.
Before his death, he realizes everybody he’s met had to be drunk on something to try and get by in the world they live in. Kenny realized that even the Reiss family were still slaves to something in life, whether it’s children, dreams, or even God itself.
Does Kenny Ackerman Become a Titan?
Kenny Ackerman does not become a Titan.
He was able to steal one of the serums that transforms a person into a titan from Rod Reiss. However, Kenny chooses not to inject the serum because he would turn into a regular titan instead of an intelligent titan, choosing to die instead.
How Did Kenny Ackerman Die?
After Rod Reiss licks the serum from the ground, he transforms into a massive titan and his gigantic size causes the caverns to collapse, which fatally injures Kenny. He eventually dies due to extreme blood loss.
He was able to lie down against a tree where he says his final goodbyes to Levi. Kenny reveals that Levi is an Ackerman and that he was his mother’s brother. He gives Levi the serum that transforms a person into a titan before his death.
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