Shinra vs Sho | Fire Force Best Fights
Shinra vs Sho was the best fight in Fire Force. The first confronation between Shira Kusakabe and Sho Kusakabe occurs in episode 15 and their epic fight begins in episode 21. The fight was beautifully animated with stunning visuals and sound effects.
The Shinra and Sho fight in episode 21 rivals Demon Slayer’s epic Tanjiro vs Rui fight.
The fight between Shinra vs Sho was also filled with scientific theory relating to heat, time and the universe. It may be difficult for the audience to follow.
Below’s an analysis of the fight between Shinra and Sho along with an in depth explanation of their Adolla Bursts abilities:
Who is Shinra Kusakabe?
Shinra Kusakabe is the main protagonist of Fire Force. He decides to help fight back against the flames after losing his mother and brother to an Infernal as a child by joining a firefighting force called the special Fire Force.
The Fire Force was formed by combining people with the powers from the Holy Sol Temple, The Tokyo Armed Forces and the Fire Defense Agency, and is composed by eight independent companies. Shira joins company 8, which has other pyrokinetics who dedicated themselves to ending the Infernal attacks for good while investigating Companies 1 through 7 for potential corruption in their ranks.
Shinra Kusakabe is a third generation pyrokinetic who is able to ignite his feet with fire at will. Because of this, he earns the nickname “Devil’s Footprints”.
Shinra’s Personality
Shira is a hothead who is often impulsive. However, he has a strong sense of justice and is a good natured kid. He is a self proclaim hero who is courageous and lets his actions speak.
Shinra also suffers from a condition known as nervous laughter, which causes him to smile during tense or fearful situations which makes him look very menacing. This has also given him a nickname of “The Devil”.
Shinra aims to become the best fire soldier so he can find out the cause of his family’s death.
Who is Sho Kusakabe?
Sho Kusakabe is Shinra’s younger brother who was assumed to have died as a baby in a fire. It is later revealed that he survived and is the current leader of the Knights of the Ashen Flame, knights who wear white clothing and serve the Evangelist.
Sho was abducted by the Knights of the Ashen Flame’s leadership when he was a baby. He was raised and indoctrinated by the Evangelist. Their ultimate goal is to engage in a scheme that repeats the Great Disaster, an event that happened two hundred and fifty years before Year 198, with the world mostly consumed in flame with many nations destroyed and most of the planet rendered uninhabitable.
Sho is 13 years old and is a very skilled swordsman.
Sho is revealed to be responsible for the fire years ago by awakening his Adolla Burst. That fire also turned his brother Shinra into a third generation pyrokinetic.
Sho’s Personality
Sho is a very cold individual and has a lack of empathy for others. Because of his upbringing with the Evangelist, he is solely focused on accomplishing his goal of repeating the great disaster and nothing else.
Though hes young, he carries himself as a wise leader. He is able to effectively command and is respected by his subordinates and even his opponents.
Sho’s First Appearance
Shinra believed both is mother and Sho died in a fire but he sought out the real truth behind the fire and hes searching for the infernal that caused it. He meets a mysterious man named Joker who offers to tell him what really happened the night of the fire 12 years ago.
Joker tells Shinra that his younger brother Sho is still alive and then later tells him that he is the commander of the Knights of the Ashen Flame that serves the Evangelist.
Sho is finally seen when Yona and Arrow, members of the Knights of the Ashen Flame, report to him that Company 8 has an Adolla Burst in their possession and he decides to go along with the rest of the Knights to retrieve it.
Shinra Meets Sho for the First Time
Shinra immediately feels Sho’s presence because of the Adolla link and he sees him standing at a hilltop. Shinra is overjoyed to see Sho and tells him that he is brother. Shinra also tells him that he’ll keep him safe no matter what happens.
The background is a crimson red and the sunset serves a beautiful backdrop in this scene.
Sho is apathetic and instantly appears next to Shinra. He contemplates on what the Evangelist said to him about Shinra prior to this and tries to make sense on what he feels now that he meets Shinra, his brother. He concludes that he feels nothing but disgust and delivers a blow to Shinra’s stomach. He tells Shinra that he plans on capturing him.
Arthur jumps in and is instantly slashed by Sho. He then delivers another blow to Shinra. Shinra is amazed at how fast Sho is and realizes the difference in power.
Shinra’s crew comes in and saves him in a truck but Sho seemingly teleports right in front of the truck to prevent Shinra from getting away. Before he is able to attack, Joker appears and tells Sho that he can’t have Shinra just yet and they begin to battle.
Joker appears out of the shadows and attacks Sho. Sho already knows who he is and tries to attack him instantly like he did Shinra and Arthur. However, Joker is able to keep up with his speed though he claims that he feels this battle makes him feel uneasy.
Sho tells Joker not to interfere with the goals of the Evangelist. Joker buys enough time to let Shinra and the others escape and disappears. Sho wonders how Joker was able to keep up without an Adolla link while Joker notes what a monster Sho is.
Fire Force Terminology
What is an Adolla Burst?
An Adolla Burst is an unsullied pure flame that is believed to be the origin of the primordial flame that was used by Sol (deity) to create the current world in Fire Force.
The perpetual thermal energy plant that is the source of all energy is a flame called Amaterasu and it’s an example of an Adolla Burst.
The Adolla Burst is a special flame that can affect all other heat and is the next step beyond a pyrokinetic. It’s also referred to as the Flame of Perdition.
Those who possess an Adolla Burst can have access to an Adolla link.
What is an Adolla Link?
The Adolla Link is a phenomenon that occurs when somebody experiences a connection to the world of Adolla or the Adolla Burst.
What is the Adolla World?
The Adolla World is a desolate world filled with countless flames with black land. It is also considered the underworld or ‘Hell’ by those who had the chance to witness it.
Who is the Evangelist ?
The Evangelist is an entity that lives in the Adolla world. It is a mother figure to Sho. It’s main goal is to repeat the Great Disaster
Shinra’s Skills and Abilities
As a third generation case of Spontaneous Human Combustion, Shinra’s nicknamed the Devil’s Footprints. He is able to generate and unleash powerful continuous bursts of flames from his feet which in turn grants him the ability to fly in the air.
The burst of flames from his feet also allow for high-speed movements in the air and increases the strength of his kicks.
After training with Benimaru, Shinra begins to efficiently control his flying abilities and develops hand signs, which can focus the fire blasts from his feet into a fast, concentrated burst. This greatly increases his speed.
His powers are further enhanced when the Adolla Burst awakened within him by the Evangelist’s grace. He is able to move at the speed of light while momentarily dissolving his body, which allows him to stop time. Because of this phenomenon, this is called the awakening of a fourth generation.
Sho’s Skills and Abilities
Sho has an Adolla Burst that allows him to manipulate the universe’s thermal expansion, giving the illusion that he can freeze time to a standstill. In other words, Sho is able to engage enough heat to control his own universe and stop time.
Sho can only use this ability for a certain amount of time or else he’ll overheat. After he unfreezes time, he cools down.
Sho’s Adolla Burst is very powerful because he has an huge connection to the Adolla World and has the “Grace” of the Evangelist.
Shinra vs Sho Fight
Shinra and Company 8 find out that Sho and the other Knights were hiding in the Nether, a forbidden area of abandoned subway tunnels beneath the Tokyo Empire. They enter the Nether and Shinra eventually meets with Sho again.
Sho wants to capture Shira because the Evangelist needs Adolla Bursts to recreate the Great Disaster. Shinra wants to take Sho with him and be his big brother.
As soon as Shinra comes close to Sho, an Adolla link is temporarily created and he gets a vision of the Adolla world along with childhood memories of him and Sho.
Shinra meets Sho in a dark chamber and he tells him he’ll fulfill the promise he made to their mom. Sho does not acknowledge anyone but the Evangelist as his mom and is disgusted at the thought of him and Shinra being brothers. This angers Shinra and he tells him not to speak ill of their mom. They begin to battle.
The animation in fight between Shinra and Sho is incredible. The sound effects are amazing. Viewers can clearly hear the sounds of Sho’s blades, the fire burst at Shinra’s feet, and more.
Sho is initially able to overpower Shinra at first because he is able to stop time. No matter who fast Shinra is, he is unable to deliver a blow to Sho.
However as the battle continues, Shinra is able to force an Adolla link to Sho as they fight and this gives him access to the Adolla World.
When Shira forces an Adolla link with Sho, he is also able to connect to the Evangelist. With access to the Adolla World via an Adolla link and the Evangelist, Shinra’s speed increases to the point that his body breaks down at the subatomic level and ‘disappears’ from Sho’s motionless universe. When Sho unfreezes time, his body reverts back. Shinra is eventually able to move in Sho’s motionless universe and attack him.
Shinra reaches his limit and there is tremendous risk to his new ability. Everytime Shinra stops time and moves faster than the speed of light, he splits his body apart. If he overheats while doing this, he dies. Shinra understanding this continues to fight and swears not to leave Sho again.
Shinra again uses his Adolla Burst jump to light speed, causing his childhood memories to be shared with Sho. Sho is unable to understand the importance of family and bonds and rejects Shinra. However, visions and images with Shinra caring for him and their mother’s love overwhelms Sho, causing him to break down in tears.
Aftermath of Shinra vs Sho Fight
After Shinra and Sho embrace, Haumea, subordinate of the Evangelist, comes to take Shinra. Haumea cuts off Sho’s link to the Evangelist and knocks him out when he tries to question her about the events 12 years ago. The Evangelist causes the dark chamber to collapse. Company 8 arrives and escapes with Shinra.
It is later revealed that Haumea and the Knights were the one who kidnapped Sho 12 years ago.
Shinra vs Sho was an amazing fight that was well animated. There was alot of information regarding their Adolla bursts abilites.
It is filled with action and cool visuals and a MUST watch.
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