Why Did Aiko Kill Herself in Gleipnir?
Aiko killed herself because she was constantly being bullied. Aiko was the target of bullying by classmates because she would defend others who were also being bullied.
Aiko’s Personality
Aiko was an emotional girl with a strong sense of justice. She wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she believed is right.
She was a classmate and friend of Shuichi, Elena, Honoka, Naoto, and Kaito.
Aiko was particularly close to Honoka who she considered a best friend.
Her death had a deep psychological impact on the group and caused a series of unfortunate events.
Aftermath of Aiko’s Death
After Aiko commited suicide, Honoka was devastated. She was also secretly envious of Aiko and wanted to be her. Shortly after Aiko’s death, Honoka buried her body and asked the alien to transform her into Aiko.
Honoka took Aiko’s appearance while she was officially considered missing. Elena, Shuichi, and Naoto figured this out and since there was nothing they could do, they chose to carry on with their life as normal.
Kaito had a crush on Honoka and slowly started to realize something was off. Kaito mistakenly believed that Honoka murdered Aiko and stole her identity. So he strangles Honoka in revenge for murdering Aiko and becoming someone else.
Kaito eventually learns that Aiko committed suicide and that he needlessly murdered Honoka. The overwhelming guilt was too much for him and he gives the coin to the alien and makes a wish.
Kaito eventually gained the power of 100 coins and started using a ghost of Honoka to attack any human that tries to find the alien’s ship.
Click HERE to learn more about Honoka’s ghost.
Aiko played a major role in Gleipnir as her suicide triggered the major events in the story.
Aiko’s death put Shuichi, Elena, Honoka, Naoto, and Kaito in a downward spiral.