Is Askeladd A Villain? | Analysis
Askeladd commits many evil acts throughout Vinland Saga so he can be considered a villain. However, he can also be considered a hero depending on the viewer’s perspective. Is Askeladd the main character? Askeladd can also be considered as the main character in Vinland Saga. Even though the story is mostly told through Thorfinn’s eyes, Thorfinn acts more as an observer while Askeladd’s actions drive the story and has a huge influence on all the major characters.
Askeladd’s Voice Actor
Askeladdd’s voice actor is Naoya Uchida. He is most well known for voicing Madara Uchiha in Naruto Shippuuden (2007). He also voiced Soichiro Yagami from Death Note (2006), Nobunaga Hazama from Hunter X Hunter (2011), and Daigo Kagemitsu from Dororo (2019).
Naoya Uchida delivered a masterful performance voicing Askeladd and really brought the character to life.
* Spoilers Below *
Is Askeladd Evil?
Askeladd is not really evil. He may commit horrifying and “evil” acts but that’s to survive in the cruel Viking world and to reach his goal. The ends justify the means is a principle Askeladd follows.
Askeladd sees the world for what it is: hard, cruel, filthy and violent. He also grew up to be a warrior and is very good at what he does. He is very skilled at being a mercenary.
Alot of the things Askeladd does is common and normal in the Viking world. For example, he executes a contract on Thor’s life for money. He is a mercenary and this is what he does for a living. Vinland Saga takes place around 1000 AD, which was a time that was foul, violent and lacking in fairness. Accepting payment for dirty jobs is how Askeladd’s supports himself and his men and how they stay in business.
Another example is Askeladd and his men murdering an entire English village. This definitely an evil act but at the same time, the English were an enemy to the Danes at this time. He is also a Viking. Pillaging a village is what Vikings do.
Askeladd is Practical
Askeladd is very tactical and even when he seems defeated, he can pull out a last trick up his sleeve, even if it is dirty to come out victorious. His cunning and wits is one of the reasons why so many of his men follow him.
Askeladd has many of the things you want in a leader: he is strong, intelligent, calculated and charismatic.
Askeladd is the kind of man that kills anyone in his way for his goals. And while he may have good intentions, everyone else is just a roadblock.
He becomes very skilled at realizing talent and people’s nature and using them for his own benefit. Thorfinn is a prime example of this.
Askeladd is no saint but he’s also not surrounded by saints either. Askeladd’s ruthlessness stands out because it’s so much colder and more detached than those around him and he is able to actively mold the world that he lives in for his benefit.
Througout Vinland Saga, Askeladd commits all types of murders but there is a reason for it and it’s not just because he is a villain.
He kills Thors, Ragnar, Bjorn, and King Sweyn.
Why did Askeladd Kill Thors?
Askeladd killed Thors because he was hired by Floki to do so. Thors deserted at the battle at Hjörungavágr and Floki wanted him punished for it. Askeladd agreed to assasinate Thors primarily for money.
Though Askeladd kills Thors and can definitely be labelled a villain for this, he already knew what kind of man Thors was and immediately respected him. He went as far to ask him to be the leader of his crew. Furthermore, Askeladd honored his word and didn’t hurt Thorfinn or Leif and his men.
Thors rejected a warrior’s existence and chose to live a life of peace. He died a hero. However, Askeladd does what he does to survive in the cruel and violent Viking world and has his own personal goal. In order to reach that, he needed to commit evil acts.
Askeladd would’ve preferred to let Thors live and follow him. When he asked Thors if he would lead him and his mercenaries, he was NOT joking. But he knew deep inside Thors wouldn’t accept that. Therefore, Askeladd felt like he had no choice but to kill him.
Why Did Askeladd Kill Ragnar?
Askeladd killed Ragnar because Prince Canute was too attached to him. By killing Ragnar, Askeladd had hopes that his death would cause the Prince to mature and be a leader that he can follow.
Ragnar was a father figure for Prince Canute. Prince Canute’s real father, King Sweyn Forkbeard, did not spend much time with him and they did not have a real relationship.
Ragnar was the only one who cared for the Prince and truly understood him. He realized Prince Canute’s unfortunate situation and position as heir and the politics of the court. He sought to shield Canute from all that.
Prince Canute is very shy and only confides in Ragnar. Though he had the smarts to lead, he preferred not to speak because it can cause trouble for him due to his position. He also wasn’t very confident.
This was a huge issure for Askeladd as he needed Canute to be a true leader who spoke confidently and carries himself with dignity if he was ever going to be king.
Askeladd realized instantly that Canute didn’t meet the expectations of a king when he saw him. The only way for him to speed up his maturity was to have the person he cared for the most taken away from him so he can understand the realities of his world.
Even though Askeladd committed a villainous act, it was for the greater good. Ragnar needed to be sacrificed and Askeladd’s plan worked. Prince Canute has a epiphany after having a dream about Ragnar after his death and decided to fight to change the world into a peaceful one.
Askeladd later confesses his crime to Prince Canute and offers his life for murdering Ragnar but Prince Canute decides to spare him and have him work for him for Ragnar’s sake.
Askeladd commit an evil act by killing Ragnar but it led to Prince Canute being a true leader.
Why Did Askeladd Kill Bjorn?
Askeladd killed Bjorn because he was suffering from a life threatening injury and Bjorn needed to die in battle in order for him to go to Valhalla. Bjorn chose to die at the hands of his boss and “friend”.
Valhalla, in Norse mythology, is where slain warriors who have died in battle go to live blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin. Valhalla is depicted as a splendid palace led by valkyries. It is important in Vikings culture and is essentially a heaven for warriors.
Prior to Bjorn’s death, the relationship between him and Askeladd was tense. This is due to Bjorn noticing Askeladd can speak Welsch and realizing he does not know too much about him. Despite that, Bjorn trusts him and continues to follow him.
When Askeladd asks Bjorn why he follows him, Bjorn simply responds because he wants to. Bjorn saw Askeladd as a friend. However, when Askeladd reveals that he actually hates Danes, Bjorn realizes Askeladd’s loneliness.
Before Bjorn dies, he admits that he always wanted to be Askeladd’s friend. He responds by saying Bjorn was his only true friend.
Askeladd’s goal and tragic past led him to live a solitary life despite appearances. He secretly harbored hate for the Danes and Viking culture. Despite this, he truly liked Bjorn.
Bjorn was the only one he could trust and the only one who did not betray him. That is why Askeladd entrusted Bjorn with the task of evacuating the prince before his other men betrayed him.
Bjorn stayed with Askeladd through it all.
Askeladd considered Bjorn was a friend and it was only right that he delivered Bjorn to Valhalla.
Askedladd’s True Dream
Askeladd is the son of a Welsch slave woman and his father is a Viking. He was taken care of by his sick mother when hes young and she told him that hes a descendant of King Artorius as well as their homeland.
Askeladd believed in the legend of Avalon. Avalon is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. It is believed to be place where King Arthur’s sword Excalibur was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds after the Battle of Camlann. It’s said that is the place where Arthur was taken to his final rest after fighting Mordred.
He was told that King Artorius would later come and save the Welsch from their suffering.
Askeladd holds resentment for his father for leaving his mother and being a battle hungry viking. He eventually is noticed by his father because of his swordsman skill and eventually kills him for all the suffering he caused him and his mother.
Askelad goal in life later was to serve someone whose worthy of being king and to protect his homeland.
Askeladd learned that legends don’t save people, and neither do Gods. The only thing that can save a person is another person, and he decided to be that person.
Askeladd had no conflict between what it meant to be a warrior and what he wanted. He hated warriors and saw saw them as monsters. In order for him to reach his goal, he had to act like a warrior at times. Bjorn is correct when he says he hates himself.
Its also why when Canute asks him if he wants to rule, he turns it down and tells Canute that he is more suited to be king than him or King Sweyn. Askeladd doesn’t want a warrior to rule. He’s committed too many atrocities for him to call himself king.
Why Did Askeladd Kill the King?
Askeladd killed King Sweyn Forkbeard in order to protect Prince Canute and save his homeland of Wales.
King Sweyn had plans to subjugate Wales for defiance. Askeladd boldy advised against it because of Wales’s mountainous regions. King Sweyn gave Askeladd an ultimatum and made him choose between Wales or Canute. However, if he chose Wales, he had to deliver the head of Canute. Askeladd instead chose to save Wales and have Canute be the next King by murdering King Sweyn as a last resort.
Askeladd already had a good sense of what kind of person King Sweyn was after meeting him. He knew he was a smart, calculated man with tired eyes. It also clear what Askeladd’s weak point were after he uncharacteristically gets angry after King Sweyn correctly assumes he was the son of a slave and his attitude towards his mother.
King Sweyn had plans to get rid of Prince Canute so his brother can be King. Sweyn realized he is slave of the Crown and that he must do what he can to protect the crown and his kingdom. He does not see Prince Canute as fit to lead so he must get rid of him so his brother Harald can be King. This is a huge obstacle for Askeladd as he wants Prince Canute to be king.
Askeladd also deeply cares about mom and his hometown of Wales. King Sweyn figures out that his Wales is his weak point and tries to exploit it.
King Sweyn puts Askeladd in a corner and tries to make him choose. Follow Canute and have his homeland conquered or give up Canute and protect his homeland. Askeladd chose to sacrifice himself and protect him homeland from Sweyn and make Prince Canute a hero and king. When Canute is king, hes more likely to take a kinder view on Wales than anyone else.
Why Does Canute Kill Askeladd?
Canute kills Askeladd because Askeladd kills King Sweyn. Canute realizes Askeladd’s plan to protect him and he had to perform his duty to kill Askeladd since Askeladd is his man. This makes him a hero and legitimatizes him to the people.
Does Askeladd Care About Thorfinn?
Askeladd and Thorfinn have a complicated relationship but throughout Vinland Saga, it is shown that he does somewhat care for Thorfinn.
After Thorfinn stows away on the captured ship and swears revenge, Askeladd doesn’t throw him off the ship. He leaves him because he sees some of himself in Thorfinn. Askeladd can relate to his quest for vengeance.
Askeladd may have felt a sense of responsibility for Thorfinn after killing his father, a man Askeladd acknowledged as being a more worthy leader than himself.
After Thorfinn manages to stay alive in the wild without his help, he decides to let him stay and try to get his revenge. Thorfinn gained Askeladd’s respect showing that he is strong and can survive. Askeladd believes that even as a small child Thorfinn has shown that he’s a warrior and deserves the chance to try and live as one.
Thorfinn is willing to take part in whatever atrocities asked of him if it means bringing him closer to killing Askeladd, even though he’s just a pawn in the greater game Askeladd is playing.
As the series goes on, Askeladd somewhat serves a mentor role to Thorfinn.
For example, during one of their early duels, he tells him he’s not going to have much success when his sword is “swinging him around”. He nudges Thorfinn into the right direction, which results in Thorfinn using a dagger from that point on.
Another example is when Askeladd gives him advice on how to beat Thorkell. Askeladd knows Thorfinn’s weakness which is that he becomes unfocused and loses control when he’s angry. He tells him to learn how to calm down and tells him Thorkell’s weakness.
Thorfinn tries to distance himself from Askeladd and does not see him as a friend and does not want him to speak to him like they’re close. Despite this, Askeladd gives Thorfinn a history lesson at a Roman ruins.
He also tells Thorfinn that time is on his side. By not killing Thorfinn while he was still small and weak, Askeladd effectively allowed the scales to tip in Thorfinn’s favor.
Despite how much Thorfinn hates Askeladd, he can also see that Askeladd is a man that commands his respect. He sees how Askeladd leads his men and his leadership.
After Thors death, Askeladd becomes the closest thing Thorfinn has to a father.
During their final duel, he scolds Thorfinn for having learned nothing. He tells him how his habit of losing his temper and waving his sword around results in him losing his duels. He reveals how to exact revenge and how to really kill someone he hates.
Askeladd also scolded Thorfinn for being obsessed with revenge as well as sharing why he hates the Vikings. He tells Thorfinn he’s like a dog chasing after food. He tells him he made good use of him and exploited him for his own ends.
Later, when Canute fatally injures Askeladd, Thorfinn has the opportunity to put the final blow to Askeladd. Askeladd tells him that he’ll give him the final blow. However, Thorfinn can’t do it. This is not how he envisioned he would get his revenge and he refuses to kill Askeladd like this.
Askeladd’s final words are not about his mother or Wales. They’re words of encouragement to urge Thorfinn to find a different path, one thats different from revenge and violence.
By keeping Thorfinn around, Askeladd taught Thorfinn where his way of life leads. “In the future, after I die, how do you plan to live your life?” This is the question Askeladd asks Thorfinn. He tells him to move forward already.
Askeladd wants Thorfinn to be a true warrior just like his dad. He wants him to go beyond the world Thors did.
Early on in the series, Askeladd had claimed no man is truly free and that everyone is a slave to something (similar to Kenny Ackerman’s words from Attack on Titan). He had to be a villain in order to reach his goals.
Throughout Vinland Saga, the viewer gets to know Askeladd and discover what he was a slave to. Askeladd is not a slave to money. He doesn’t value human life like Thors. He also doesn’t fight just for the sake of fighting like Thorkell. He isn’t as prideful as Thorfinn.
However, Askeladd subtly revealed what he truly wanted when he met Thors.
Askeladd saw in Thors the possibility of achieving his own ends in a nobler and more powerful manner than he’s forced to go about trying to do so. Askeladd has spent his whole life waiting for a king from the west, his Artorius. Looking for a man to follow, just as his mother said, even perhaps seeing such a man in Thors years ago. He tries to make his own king in Canute. Canute actually starts growing into a king.
Askeladd almost reaches his goal of being able to serve a worthy king and protecting his homeland like his mother had told him. However, he was a slave to that goal and had to give up his life in order to fully reach his goal.
Askeladd, being at the center of everything Vinland Saga during this arc, shows that he was the true “main character”. Thorfinn slowly took a back seat to the larger picture of the story. Askeladd was involved in the epic growth of the central characters of the story from now on, Canute and now after his death, Thorfinn as well. From killing Thors, Ragnar, Kin0gSweyn and then dying himself, he ended up creating immensely strong personalities, who will carry his legacy forward.
Was Askeladd really a villain? One thing for sure, he was a brilliant man.
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