Did Goblin Slayer Sleep With Priestess?
Did Goblin Slayer actually sleep with Priestess? No, Goblin Slayer did not sleep with Priestess. He slept next to her as she was needed in a Resurrection miracle spell that was performed by the Sword Maiden.
There was no sexual activity between the two and the spell healed them both.
Goblin Slayer needed to sleep in a bed with Priestess because it is necessary to share a bed with a virgin in order for the miracle of Resurrection spell to work.
Goblin Slayer did not sleep with Priestess but he definitely saw her naked body.
Goblin Slayer, Priestess, High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest go into the sewers to investigate where the source of the goblins are coming from.
This was a request from the Sword Maiden, who is one of the heroes who slew the original Demon Lord. Now she is retired, residing in a small place called Water Town.
The Sword Maiden tells Goblin Slayer and his party that there has been a series of violent murders in the town recently, and they suspect the ones responsible are goblins in the town’s sewer system.
Since the army won’t mobilize to fight goblins and other adventurers have failed, she decided to reach out to Goblin Slayer.
When Goblin Slayer and the party go deep into the sewers, they fall into a trap and are locked in a tomb. The goblins attack the party directly and it is revealed the goblins are led by a goblin champion.
The goblins are a challenge and managed to overpower the party, while the goblin champion critically wounds the Goblin Slayer and Priestess.
The Goblin Slayer is able to regain consciousness and defeat the goblin champion and the rest of the goblins run away. The Goblin Slayer collapses from his injuries and is sent to the Temple of Law in Water Town for recovery by his party.
Goblin Slayer getting injured is very significant considering how OP he had been.
An OP MC from an isekai anime is not anything new though.
Click HERE to see some of the best isekai animes with an OP MC.
Why Did Goblin Slayer Wake Up In Bed Next To Priestess?
Goblin Slayer woke up in a bed next to priestess with her holding his arm.
It is revealed by the Sword Maiden that he shared a bed with Priestess and herself. The Sword Maiden used the miracle of Resurrection achieved by sharing a bed with a virgin in order to heal Goblin Slayer.
Priestess is a virgin which is why the spell worked and Goblin Slayer was healed. The Sword Maiden is no longer pure after being violated and raped by goblins so she needed Priestess, who was pure, to perform the spell.
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2 thoughts on “Did Goblin Slayer Sleep With Priestess?”
Not exactly timely, but hey – just finished watching. And re-watched the episode in question.
You say “sharing a bed”…. he said “sleeping with a virgin”… which COULD mean sex. Why would she be naked? She _WAS_ naked and so was he, in that bed. Why?
I think “sleep with a virgin” typically means to change her status to non-virgin. Based on what was shown, it is definitely not a certainty that “there was no sexual activity”. It is up in the air, definitely. Just watched it again. The only reason they would be naked, that _I_ can think of, is … yeah.
I’m not saying they definitely did the deed. I’m saying that the circumstances are… curious… I believe that saying that they definitely did NOT have sex is no more supported by events and dialog than the idea that they definitely DID have sex. It’s nebulous, perhaps intentionally.
Why no clothing… ? A naked virgin – “sleeping with” (not “share a bed”). Unless the author has spoken to this, or there is a more definitive scenario within the manga I think it’s unclear. Based solely upon the anime, we cannot say whether they did or did not alter the Priestesses “V status”.
I was wrong – dang… I need to watch subs more closely before I go mouthing off with comments. I am very VERY sorry. Please… please just don’t post my idiotic comments. I really am sorry. I could SWEAR that what I heard was “sleep with”… I was listening to the audio – a Nihongo learner… and I took for granted the subtitles. I re-watched and both the Maiden and GS do say “sharing a bed”. I’m an idiot. I think I am a bit overly fond of the cute lil Priestess and – considering how she appears to feel for him… although I am rooting for Cow Girl (both of them are adorable…), I must have projected and convinced myself he’d said “sleep with”… and with her being au-BUFFO… it seemed kinda wild. I apologize…
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